The Placement Group recently polled all of our working locums in a bid to find out how we score on Locum Satisfaction.
You may be interested to know that TPG achieved an overall score of 88.33% in our first ever quarterly satisfaction survey!
As a company we are extremely pleased with the results, and proud to commend all of our recruitment consultants who achieved individual scores of 80% and over.
Here’s the breakdown;
• Ease of Contact = 90.41%
• Responsiveness = 89.73%
• Market Knowledge = 97.46%
• Efficiency = 89.15%
• Support = 86.97%
• Friendliness = 92.98%
• Managing Expectation = 84.99%
• Regular Contact = 85.08%
As you may know, we offered a prize incentive to locums taking part in the survey and are pleased to announce Simon Teeluck a locum Biomedical Scientist at the winner of a brand new ipad2. Simon's name was picked out at random from over 1000 entrants, so congratulations to him!
Thank you to everyone who participated in our locum satisfaction survey! The outcome itself was very positive and we greatly appreciate your feedback. - We are planning to make this service questionnaire a quarterly event in order to maintain high levels of customer satisfaction, so they'll be more opportunities throughout the year to win a fantastic prize.
Committed to delivering the highest level of satisfaction to our locum candidates – we are dedicated to improving on our locum satisfaction across all the board, aiming for a minimum score of 90% Locum Satisfaction by Q2.
The JustOT Team