All New TPG Incentives for 2012

Friday 27th January 2012


TPG Incentives- The Placement group Incentives Scheme has been upgraded for 2012!

If you are not already aware, our Incentives Scheme is available to all working candidates of The Placement Group’s companies. It is an online platform which gives you access to over 3,000 exclusive discounts at all your favourite retailers, allowing you to make savings on everything from your supermarket shopping, to booking a holiday.

Registration is Quick, Easy and Absolutely Free!

From Wednesday 1st February 2012, you’ll see the new-look website and benefit from loads of great new features...

Product Finder: A price comparison search tool with over 2.5 million products loaded right into the site- making it even easier to ensure you don't miss out on a bargain when looking for a particular item!

Trust Pilot: Independent retailer reviews, so you can feel confident that you will receive good service even when taking up an offer from a retailer you may not have used before.

Fast Cashback: Now live with over 200 of our top retailers- Cashback can be confirmed in under 24 hours!

Theatre Tickets: Discounted theatre tickets with added Cashback for shows both inside and outside of London.

Plus more gym discounts, offer of the month and other special features.

If you’re not already using the scheme and would like to, please follow the directions on our candidate page ‘Incentives Scheme’ or simply register directly on

Please note you will need your current Payroll number in order to register – If you have any problems; please contact Emma Hillman on 020 7613 6800!