Locum of the Month

Wednesday 15th February 2012


Each month JustOT would like to recognise one of our locums for their personal achievement and commitment to the Occupational Therapy Service!

Name: Richard Dacullo

Profession: Occupational Therapist

Where are you from? I’m originally from the Philippines and have settled in the UK.

Current Locum position? Community Occupational Therapist and Early Supported Discharge Team – B6

What do you enjoy about your job?
Everything about OT; supervising patients to improve their independence in various aspects of their activities of daily living – basic and instrumental. The mere fact that I personally witness patients’ improvements from not being able to use his/her upper limb to independently and actively incorporate (bilateral) it with the unaffected upper limb during task oriented activities; motivates me to do better and strive to be the best.

Personal achievements within your role?
I’ve gained a lot of experience with my current role, working with the Early Supported Discharge Team (ESD) as well as with the Community Team have widened my horizon and enhanced my OT skills and knowledge on the complexities of various conditions affecting people’s lives and how to improve it.
The very high support from colleagues and managers where I work currently has boosted up my confidence and encouraged me to be the best practitioner I can be.

How do you unwind from work?
Prayers……going to church……meditation…..karaoke…….watching movies/films…….eating out….cooking/baking……driving……..few drinks with friends and family…..sleeping…….reading (especially OT books)……sometimes swimming.

If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 items would you take?
1.) Rosary
2.) Family photo
3.) …..a bottle of wine!