Locum of the Month

Monday 2nd July 2012


Each month JustOT would like to recognise one of our locums for their personal achievement and commitment to the Occupational Therapy Service!

Name: Kirrily Moyler

Profession: Occupational Therapist

Where are you from? Geelong, Australia

Current Locum position?
Band 6 Occupational Therapist, General Medical/Surgical Wards

What do you enjoy about your job?
I value the variety of patients I get to see, and their wonderful personalities. Within my role I get to see many diagnosis/conditions and every patient is different. I enjoy working with people and their families to enable outcomes within the very limited timeframes expected in the acute setting. I appreciate the extensive care packages available to patients in England, via social services, which facilitates speedy patient discharges. Most of all, I enjoy seeing patients’ own satisfaction when they progress enough to be able to return home.

Personal achievements within your role?
In this role, my most rewarding achievement has been able to work with an amputee patient, his family, and the MDT to facilitate his successful discharge home from hospital in a timely manner, when the patient had specific expectations and objectives which were initially considered unattainable.

How do you unwind from work?
I enjoy going for walks, especially now that the weather has improved. I also have an extensive travel agenda which my husband and I enjoy planning and adding to.

If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 items would you take?
1.) Chocolate
2.) Hammock
3.) Laptop with internet / Skype