Locum of the Month - January 2016

Wednesday 6th January 2016


Each month JustOT would like to recognise one of our locums for their personal achievement and commitment to the Occupational Therapy Service!


Occupational Therapist

Where are you from?
Melbourne, Australia

Current Locum position?
Band 5 Occupational Therapist Intermediate Care Rehab

Personal achievements within the role?
Returning to clinical work within rehabilitation setting after working in a non clinical position, whilst understanding and learning new health systems and services.

What do you enjoy about being a locum?
The flexibility and opportunity to move where the jobs arise. Meeting new people, working within different teams and exploring different parts of the country while working.

Most memorable moment within your career?
Working with a man to participate in a gradual return to work program following workplace injury to his hand, which resulted in multiple surgeries, intensive hand therapy and time off work. Following collaboration with his doctors, hand therapists and employer he was able to resume suitable duties prior to returning to completing his normal hours and duties at work whilst horse riding at the weekends with his daughters.

If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 items would you take?
1.) Notebook
2.) Pen
3.) A good novel