Each month JustOT would like to recognise one of our locums for their personal achievement and commitment to the Occupational Therapy Service!
Name: Rebecca
Profession: Occupational Therapy
Where are you from? Originally Bristol, now West Midlands is more home
Current Locum position? (Job title, Grade, etc.) Band 6 occupational therapist in a community stroke team
What do you enjoy about your job? I love being a locum and meeting new people. I enjoy throwing myself into new ways of working and having to push myself. Being in the community as an OT has huge advantages as any issues can be dealt with properly in someone’s home which is really rewarding. I adore neurology posts most as regardless whether you have neurology experience or not and have an idea of the type of symptoms you’re going to be presented with, it affects each person so differently and it still gives me butterflies. I just love learning new things.
Personal achievements within your role? Each post comes with its rewards and opportunities for CPD. I relish in the opportunity to support the service in their need and create new resources or add to the service in whatever way I can. It’s always nice to leave something worthwhile behind!
How do you unwind from work? I make sure I’m doing anything to ensure I’m not thinking about my patients. I’m a fidget, I’m always doing something. i.e. High activity gym classes, horse riding, having a chinwag with friends and/or family and even a boogie at the weekends.
If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 items would you take?
1.) spear
2.) pots
3.) good book