Occupational Therapist Lisa from Melbourne, Australia has been recognised as our Locum of the Month this April for her exceptional hard work and dedication to her profession.
Currently within a Paediatric OT role, Lisa has shown great passion for her work and this has been reflected in some of the outstanding feedback we have received so far. Her Recruitment Consultant Julie, who nominated her for the award commented that, ‘she is a very friendly, bubbly person and an absolute pleasure to work with.’
Get to know more about Lisa…
Personal achievements within the role?
Successfully applying intensive interaction strategies with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder to build their level of engagement, eye contact, use of facial expressions and encourage interaction with another person. I worked 1:1 with a student and was able to interact with them by gaining good eye contact and vocalisations. This was the first time the child engaged and demonstrated a positive interaction after many sessions together. It was a wonderful achievement for the student.
What do you enjoy about being a locum?
Having the opportunity to experience a range of health care settings, working with a variety of individuals and providing OT services to those in need.
Most memorable moment within your career?
Working with a child who had a diagnosis of Down Syndrome achieve his goal to eat his meals using cutlery independently. This was a long-term goal achieved in collaboration with the family, school staff and intensive Occupational Therapy.
If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 items would you take?
1.) Coffee
2.) Phone
3.) Sunglasses