Well done to our Locum of the Month Noel!

Tuesday 10th May 2016


Working with us since November 2012, Noel an OT from South India has been recognised as our Locum of the Month for his hard work and long term dedication to working with JustOT.

His many outstanding references reflect on his positive attitude and ability to adapt quickly to new assignments.

‘He has a dry sense of humour and we get on really well. He is really a sweet guy.’ Says Karen, our JustOT Business Manager.

We thought we would ask a few questions to get to know a little more about Noel…

Current Locum position? Specialist Falls Prevention Therapist

Personal achievements within the role? Getting the GPs to attend the Falls Trainings and MDTs in Care Homes.

What do you enjoy about being a locum? Getting on with the job in hand, not getting involved in the local politics and not having to attend the endless meetings.

Most memorable moment within your career? One of many is the one when I received a thank you note from a patient six months after she was discharged which said, "Sorry I didn't show much interest in the cooking sessions when I was in the hospital, but you would be pleased to know that I make my own cup of tea now. It takes me 20 minutes to make it but tastes a lot better than my husband's". This is a patient we almost wrote her off as not motivated.

If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 items would you take?
1.) Pitching wedge
2.) Red wine
3.) Chocolate