Well done to our locum Ruth!

Friday 1st April 2016


Ruth, a Paediatric Occupational Therapist from Ireland has been recognised as our Locum of the Month this April for her amazing dedication to her work since joining us back in October.

Currently working in a community placement, Ruth’s positive attitude and passionate for helping others has reflected greatly on the feedback we receive and with her Consultant Karen here at JustOT.

‘She’s a hardworking individual who is committed to her job. Ruth also got married just before Christmas with a lovely Irish wedding. Congratulations!’ says Karen.

We thought we would ask a few questions to get to know more about Ruth…

Personal achievements within the role? Figuring out the school system here in the UK!

What do you enjoy about being a locum? Flexibility within jobs and between jobs and the opportunity to meet lots of other OTs.

Most memorable moment within your career? Teaching a teenager with the use of only one arm to tie her hair in a high ponytail. Her reaction is what made it great - she was absolutely delighted with herself!!

If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 items would you take?
1.) A machete
2.) A satellite phone
3.) My husband